Command Line Options

Hoxton is a command line tool.

Building your docs

$ hoxton build

# To watch for changes or serve your site:
# hoxton build --watch --serve

--config, -c

The location of your config relative to where you are running the command from. If you don't explicitly define a config location Hoxton will look for config.yml in the root of your project.

--watch, -w

Whether you would like for Hoxton to watch for changes and rebuild or not. Hoxton watches:

  • Your config file
  • Your entire theme directory
  • Any markdown files you specify in your config.
  • Any files you manually specified you'd like to include in your config.

--outputDir, -o

Where your like to 'output' your docs. This is basically the folder you want your static site built into. Hoxton deletes this folder before every build.

--serve, -s

Whether you would like for Hoxton to 'serve' your site locally.

--port, -p

The port on which to serve your site. By default the port is 3000. This only has effect if you are using --serve

--debug, -d

Turns on debug logging, probably not useful at all.

Publishing to Github

$ hoxton publish

This will build your site, then copy over those files into the gh-pages branch and push those changes.

ProTip: If you are not using a custom domain you will need to specify a base_url your config.

--outputDir, -o

Same as in the build command. It is from this folder that your GitHub pages are created.